Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) help individuals and businesses with various tax preparation needs, such as filing taxes, preparing taxes, and offering tax consulting services. Tax laws are constantly changing, and to say that they are complex is an understatement. There are many exceptions, exemptions, and loopholes that accountants know that can help individuals and businesses save hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. They also keep up with the changes in local tax laws and state tax laws.
Peakview CPAs offers a variety of tax services, bookkeeping services, payroll services, and tax consulting services. Our mission is to help you lower the amount of taxes that you pay, while providing exceptional customer service to those we serve. Our certified public accountants understand the tax code and are ready to help you with all of your tax needs. Below, we’ll go over some tips on what to look for when hiring a CPA. Contact us today to learn more!